Folding Chair LLC

Creating Community Wherever We Sit

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Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm famously said “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” Well, we’ve got our chair ready. There are so many stories that we feel are underreported and that need to be shared. We want to explain how certain events and policies will have an impact on black lives. Through the weekly Folding Chair newsletter, we’re talking about the stories that matter most to us, and we hope, to you.

Between news articles, TV shows, movies, books and podcasts, there’s no shortage of content to consume every day. But, how do you figure out what’s important and what it really means? This newsletter will provide content to educate, stir your curiosity and spark conversation. Our motto is “Creating community wherever we sit” and we’re so excited to have you as part of the Folding Chair community. Pull up a chair and join us!